NAPSA is made up of a select group of breeders dedicated to producing healthy, hard-hunting Picardy Spaniels for North American hunters. They follow the FCI breed standard and test all breeding stock for natural hunting abilities and genetic health. NAPSA breeders agree to use follow the guidelines below to the best of their ability.

  • Breed only HD free dogs. All males and females used for breeding should be certified to be free of hip dysplasia. OFA (Excellent, Good, Fair)
    FCI (A-1, A-2, B-1, B-2)

  • Register dogs with NAVHDA. Breeders should register all their dogs and pups in the NAVHDA registry.

  • Test for the Lemon Gene. It is strongly recommended that all breeding stock be tested for the “lemon” gene (E-locus) and that carriers should only be bred to non-carriers. All pups from carrier to non-carrier breedings should be tested as well.

  • Limit the number of times a stud dog or brood bitch is bred. We recommend the following: Stud dogs no more than 8 times per lifetime and not after age 9. Females no more than 5 litters per lifetime and not before 15 months of age or after age 8. 

  • Keep the COI under 10%. Breeders should aim to produce litters with a coefficient of inbreeding of less than 10%.


NAPSA is a voluntary organization made up of breeders that have agreed to follow the rules and recommendations listed above. NAPSA does not control or govern the individual business practices of  the kennels listed, individual breeders are free to set additional requirements or conditions. Each kennel operates individually as a private business and is solely responsible for any decisions or commitments made or implied.